• Ready-Made Garments:

    • Orders can be canceled within 24 hours of purchase for a full refund.
    • Beyond 24 hours, cancellations are not permitted as the order is prepared for shipment.
  • Customized Orders:

    • Customized or made-to-measure orders can be canceled within 12 hours of order confirmation.
    • After 12 hours, cancellations will not be accepted as the design and production process begins immediately.
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  • Eligibility for Refunds:

    • Refunds are processed for defective or damaged items reported within 48 hours of delivery.
    • Products must be unused, unwashed, and in their original packaging to qualify for a refund.

  • Non-Refundable Items, Refund Process:

    • Customized orders, discounted items, and gift cards are non-refundable.
    • Approved refunds will be processed within 7-10 business days via the original payment method.
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  • Exchange Policy

    • Exchanges are allowed for size or fit issues, provided the request is made within 7 days of delivery.
    • Customers are responsible for shipping costs for exchanges unless the product is defective.

  • Returns

    • Returns are accepted only for defective or incorrect products delivered.
    • Notify us at insert contact email/phone number within 48 hours of receiving the product.
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  • For any queries or concerns regarding your order, reach out to us at:

    Phone: +91 8121520193

    Email: airafabrics19@gmail.com

We cater to all your needs, blending modern fusion with traditional styles.

We take pride in delivering excellent customer service both online and offline. We have perfected the art of providing our customers with a hassle-free, enjoyable, and secure shopping experience.

Our dedicated team and support staff work with an unbridled passion for fashion. With a keen eye for detail & an aptitude to evolve, we constantly create new & refreshing styles. Through our commitment, we have transformed our brand into the epitome of fashion.